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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Debi and I'm 10 years old, maybe a little more. I still have a lot of energy. Aunts say that I am unbeatable and they will not be surprised when I live for 20 years! Now I live in a house, earlier I was in two places where I lived in a pen. One was a hostel where there was a hundred dogs and half like me, a kennel that has been hiding in the corner, avoiding people. I learned that people just throw food and go away. Then the aunts came here and took me to me, I also came to the pen and only when I had to have a cut tumor did I get to the house with other dogs and cats. I still don't like it when I'm stroke but I can live next to people without too stress. If I have a different dog with whom I already make friends, I can even go on a leash for walks, when I am alone, it is too difficult for me. I would like to live in a house where it has a yard and yet this leash is not needed. I will probably stay here for the rest of my life. I like to go, that's why I am asking for food! Phone to Aunt Marta 516 764 748, I live only 50 km from Warsaw in Nasielsk

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